The Provider Playbook

An Out Of Sequence Launch Episode: A Conversation with your hosts, the NDIS Ninja and Rachel

The Provider Playbook Season 1 Episode 3

Join us for episode 3 of The Provider Playbook, an out of sequence launch episode!

We’ve got a whole heap of episodes locked and loaded to go, but we’ve gotta get you out most recent one ASAP!

When we started, we missed a very important part - WHO we are, WHAT we do, and WHY we do it + a lot of info about what to expect from the podcast moving forward

Think of this as our launch episode, get to know us, listen to us talk absolute nonsense, and enjoy our totally out of sequence LAUNCH!

PLUS we only filmed this episode last week, so get the latest update on the NDIS provider retreat, and listen to us read out some feedback from our first few podcasts (or mean tweets for some of them!)

Whether you're just starting out as a provider or looking to take your business to the next level, this episode is packed with valuable tips and strategies to help you succeed.
 Tune in now and start unlocking the secrets to being a top-notch NDIS provider!

FOLLOW for more tips on how to be an industry leading provider!

NDIS Ninja:

Allara Services: